Thursday, March 8, 2007


If you're wondering how it came about that our government is pushing to start World War III in the Middle East, here is a little primer to help you. This is a lazy post with lots of links. Don't be fooled though, you can wander around in them for years, like Moses in the desert. What I've done is merely to give you a little history, in a more or less timeline, so that you can connect some dots. You can Google a stupid amount of additional information yourself if you have either the time or inclination.

Project for the New American Century (PNAC)--They're the group of "neocons" who decided it would be neat if the the U.S. controlled the whole world with our military might.
American Enterprise Institute (AEI)- A right-wing stink tank that primarily exists to shill for big business and big oil and PNAC.
This Wikipedia article on Dick Cheney will give you a perspective on why we are focusing on the Middle East. Hint:( oil,oil,oil,oil,oil)
Here a two links that show how legitimate peace overtures from Iran were summarily rejected in 2003. They prove the determination of our neocon-dominated administration to proceed full speed ahead with their grand plan, no matter what.
A link to an article detailing the runup to an attack on Iran. Same shit as Iraq-different day.
Part of this consists of "proof" that Iran is supplying sophisticated roadside bombs to the insurgents in Iraq. Of course , the Wall Street Journal just had a piece telling how the British troops in southern Iraq recently found a makeshift factory producing the same advanced weapons, but Bush won't let that slow him down much.
A link showing how our Democratic stalwarts (read frauds) are helping fuel the coming debacle by insisting that "all options" must remain open in dealing with Iran.
Two links alluding to the possibility that several top Generals might resign immediately if Bush orders an attack on Iran. The military brass is definitely not pleased with the way things are proceeding. This may turn out to be our only hope of stopping this madness.
A link about how some Dems are making noise that Bush has no authority to attack Iran without Congressional approval and funding.

The most troubling thing of all is that the whole debate revolves about Irans interference in Iraq, and whether or not they are working to develop nuclear weapons. What Bush and the neocons have done here is to get everyone to ignore the fact that starting a pre-emptive war is not only immoral, but would lead to a death sentence in any international court of justice. It simply is not countenanced, and even considering such an action shows that there are no depths to which this administration will not sink to achieve their goals. They are evil personified.

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