Monday, March 5, 2007


Right-wing wedge machine Citizens for Community Values is working with some legislators in Columbus to enact a law restricting (gasp!) strip clubs in the State of Ohio. This is a totally unneeded piece of legislation, as local communities already closely regulate these clubs. This whole effort is as shoddy as they come, and a link to the Cincinnati Enquirer, explaining the underhanded tactics being employed is provided here:

To counter this effort by CCV, an on-line petition drive has begun, which will be sent to our State Legislators, to let them know in clear language that supporting this proposed law will have political consequences. I urge you to follow the link below and sign this petition, and urge your friends who are registered to vote in Ohio to do the same.

These kinds of shoddy tactics are damaging, dirty, distracting and dangerous. Please sign now!

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